Great Films Coming Your Way

For 2024, we have curated some of the greatest films from home and abroad, past and present, showcasing the best directors and sublime scripts.

All the films make great springboards for discussion – for example, what are you willing to do to achieve your dreams? (Faust, 1926). Are you brave enough to whistle blow on the corrupt company you work for and risk your health, home and family? (The Insider, 1999). What motivates you and those who follow you – and how far will you go? (Aguirre, The Wrath of God, 1972). Ingratitude and foolishness (Ran, 1985) or examining our own heart of darkness (Apocalypse Now, (1979).

Join us as we screen some hidden gems and performers, including Will Hay in Oh Mr Porter (1937). Also, documentaries on film and filmmaking – for example, the work of Alfred Hitchcock in My Name is Alfred Hitchcock (2022) and the Edwardian world of Mitchell and Kenyon (2004).

After the screening, there will be an opportunity to discuss the films with other cinema lovers and our guests presently working in film.

What is there not to like? Pick up a membership and immerse yourself in a year of wonderful films.

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